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ToggleMuslim/Arabic Baby Names Starting With J
In this post help to get Muslim/Arabic BabyNames Starting with J and Meaning. This very useful for new parents to select baby names. Content also include Islamic babynames and that meaning also.
Muslim Boy J
Name | Meaning |
Jaafar | He who comes from the small river |
Jaah | Dignity or grandeur. |
Jaalib | One who has a motive, a cause for acting |
Jaareh | One who wounds and cuts |
Jabal | Mountain, Ibn Yazid |
Jabalah | Name of Ibn Harisah a companion of the Prophet PBUH |
Jaban | Soft Hearted |
Jabbar | powerful, mighty |
Jabez | God Will Increase Your Boundary |
Jabir | bonesetter, restorer |
Jabr | Compulsion name of a companion |
Jabraan | A penalty for your deeds |
Jabran | A reward or a penalty |
Jabroot | Magnificent or majestic. |
Jad | Curly, Frizzled |
Jadwal | brook, rivulet |
Jafar | spring, rivulet |
Jafnat | generous, liberal |
Jafri | Yellow Flower |
Jagadisa | lord of the universe, another name for brahma |
Jah | Rank |
Jahan | world |
Jahangir | world conqueror |
Jahanzeb | One who is beautifl |
Jahdami | Abu Amr Nasr |
Jahdari | Abu Al Mujashshar had this name; he was an authority for the... |
Jaheer | Handsome Man, High Sound |
Jahfar | Rivulet, Little Creek |
Jahid | A striving, hard working man |
Jahiz | Ogle-eyed |
Jahm | Sullen |
Jahsh | Phrophet Muhammad's truthful companion |
Jaish | Excellent, Of High Quality |
Jalaal | Glory of The Faith |
Jalal | majesty, glory |
Jalala | Loftiness; Sublimity; Glory; Grandeur; Glory of the Faith |
Jalambhara | water clad, the ocean |
Jaleb | Attainer |
Jaleed | Powerful |
Jalees | A companion, Chum |
Jalil | great, exalted, magnificent |
Jalinoos | Intelligent |
Jalis | Companion |
Jamaal | Beauty |
JamaalUdeen | Beauty of the Faith |
Jamaar | The handsome one |
Jamadagni | One consumed in fire |
Jamal | beauty, grace |
Jameel | Beautiful |
Jamil | Handsome; Beautiful; Good Looking |
Jammas | One who is naughty and sprightly. |
Jammaz | Name of Muhammad Ibn Amr who related anecdotes and recited p... |
Jamshed | the sun in pisces |
Jamuh | Defiant |
Janab | an honorific title |
Janasheen | Successor, Vicegerent |
Jandarah | Name of a Sahabi RA |
Jandol | Jandol is the name of place in Pashtun Khwa. |
Jansher | Life of a lion |
Jaraah | Surgeon |
Jareed | Hawk, Messenger |
Jareem | Praising |
Jareer | Corpulent |
Jari | Bold, Courageous, Brave |
Jarir | One Who Can Pull |
Jariya | This was the name of Ibn Jam |
Jarood | Name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH |
Jarullah | Neighbour of Allah |
Jasar | One who is brave, bold and courageous. |
Jasim | great and famous |
Jasir | brave, bold, courageous |
Jasmir | Strong |
Jasur | Brave, Bold, Courageous |
Jatya | of a noble family, pleasing, beautiful |
Jaul | Choice |
Jaun | Kind of Plant |
Javed | eternal, perpetual |
Javier | Month of January |
Jawad | generous, liberal, open-handed |
Jawan | A Young Man |
Jawdah | Heavy Rain, Benevolent Deed |
Jawdan | Goodness |
Jawhar | jewel, essence |
Jaza | Reward |
Jazam | Encourager, Instigator |
Jazel | Good Attitude, Good Manners |
Jazey | Impatient |
Jazi | To Take Revenge |
Jazib | Absorber, Attractive |
Jazool | Happy |
Jeelan | It is a City in Iran |
Jefferay | Form of Jeffrey (tourist) |
Jefferey | A form of Jeffrey |
Jefferie | A peaceful pledge or a traveller |
Jefferies | The collection of peace pledges |
Jefferson | Son of jeff |
Jeffersson | The son of Jeffer |
Jeffey | Concord of God. |
Jehandar | Worldly |
Jehanzaib | Adorn, decorate or embellish. |
Jehfil | Strong |
Jergees | Brave |
Jerwan | Used to |
Jibrail | Arch Angel |
Jibran | Result, Value, Ransom |
Jibril | Archangel of Allah (Gabriel) |
Jihad | striving, holy war |
Jihan | The World |
Jinah | Victorious; God of King |
Jiyad | Very Good |
Jnab | An Honorific Title |
Johen | God is Gentle ,kind patient ,merciful and Gracious |
Johll | The most enduring,God is Kind ,patient and gracious |
Johnathan | God has given ,he has regarded and considered,he is merciful... |
Johnathon | The most enduring,God is Kind ,patient and gracious |
Johnda | Full of life energy and creativity. Dynamic, intuitive and i... |
Joinda | Searcher |
Jorin | High or precious |
Josha | Satisfied |
Juail | One black and ill-shaped |
Jubayr | Compelled |
Juday | This was the name of a skill |
Juhaym | Sullen |
Jul | Resolution, Firm Will |
Juma | Friday |
Jumah | Born on Friday |
Jumlish | Brave |
Jummal | A Thick Rope |
Junada | Helper, warrior or soldier. |
Junaid | Soldier Warrior |
Junayd | army, soldiers |
Jundub | Grasshopper |
Jurayj | This was the Name of a Teacher |
Jusamah | Nightmare, Name of a Companion |
Jusuf | God increases (in strength, power) |
Juthamah | Nightmare (Name of Companion) |
Jyayas | superior, greater, stronger |
Muslim Girl J
Name | Meaning |
Jabalah | Musafh's daughter |
Jabarah | A bracelet |
Jabeen | Forehead |
Jabira | Agree |
Jabirah | One who consols others |
Jabmen | A woman with a big forhead |
Jabrayah | Love, respect |
Jadida | New, Pristine |
Jadwa | She was a gif, a present |
Jahaan | She is the whole world |
Jahan Aara | Adornment of the world. |
Jahan Ara | Adorning the world |
Jahan Khatoon | She was a Persian poet |
Jahan-ara | She is the Queen of the Unoverse |
Jahanaara | She is the world |
Jahanara | Queen of the world |
Jahdamah | She was a female companion of the Prophet (SAW) |
Jaheel | lake |
Jahida | A har working woman |
Jahin | A woman with a good pedigree |
Jahmyyllah | Beautiful one |
Jaibrian | Jaibrian means blue bird, Strength and Noble |
Jaimin | Strifes to Triumph; Victory; One who succeeds |
Jaiyana | Strength |
Jal Pari | Beautiful |
Jala | Bringing to light, Shining |
Jalaa | Clarity |
Jaleelah | Dignified |
Jaleesah | Companion |
Jalila | Great, Exalted, Magnificent |
Jalilah | Splendid, lofty |
Jalsaan | Garden, Gulshan |
Jalwa | Sight, show |
Jalyn | A jay bird |
Jalynn | God may protect |
Jalynne | Modern American name |
Jama | God is gracious |
Jamaima | Lucky |
Jamal-ud-Din | Beauty of the religion (Islam) |
Jamala | Beautiful, pretty, moon-faced |
Jameela | Beautiful |
Jameelah | Beautiful |
Jameerah | Beautiful One |
Jamia | Gatherer, Collector |
Jamila | Beautiful; A variant spelling is Gamila |
Jamilah | Beautiful |
Janan | Heart, Soul |
Janna | Garden, Paradise |
Jannah | Garden, paradise |
Jannatul firdaus | Garden of Paradise |
Jariyah | God Has Seen |
Jaseena | Nice Heart |
Jasia | God Is Gracious |
Jasmin | Flower |
Jasmina | Flower |
Jasmine | A Flower |
Jasrah | A female narrator of Hadith. |
Jassia | One who sits |
Jathbiyya | Variant transcription of Jathbiyya |
Javaria | Little,Small girl |
Jawahir | Jewels |
Jawaria | God Is Gracious |
Jawda | Excellence, High quality |
Jawedan | Immortal, lasting |
Jawhara | Jewel, Gem, Essence |
Jawna | The sun |
Jazaa | Recompense, reward for good deeds. |
Jazibiyya | Attraction, Charm, Appeal |
Jebisha | Prayerful |
Jehaan | Creative mind |
Jehan | Beautiful Flower |
Jehannaz | Pride of Universe |
Jemimah | Beautiful |
Jemisha | Queen of night |
Jenab | Malay form of Zaynab, meaning a father's precious jewel. |
Jendayi | Thankful; To give thanks; |
Jenna | Heaven, Paradise |
Jennah | Paradise |
Jessenia | Flower |
Jewana | God Gift |
Jian | Life |
Jibla | Nature |
Jilan | Courtier |
Jina | Princess, lucky, patrician, |
Jinan | Gardens, paradise |
Jinani | Heavenly, or from Paradise. |
Joane | Joy |
Jodha | Princess |
Joel | God |
Johara | Jewel |
Johi | Name of a flower called Jasmine,having unique fragrance |
Joindah | God's gift |
Joodi | Kind, working |
Joya | Searcher |
Joyah | Malay form of Zoya, meaning life. |
Juana | Gift From God |
Jubair | Counsels or brings together |
Juhainah | Name of an Arab tribe |
Juhanah | Young girl |
Juliana | Youthful |
Jumaimah | Name of a Sahabiyynh (RA) |
Jumaina | Diminutive of jumana, Small pear |
Jumainah | Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA). |
Jumana | Pearl |
Jumanah | Silver pearl |
Jumaymah | Name of a female companion. |
Junayna | Little garden |
Juni | Lovable |
Junna | Shelter |
Junnut | Heaven |
Juri | The rose of Damascus ( Syria ) |
Juwairiyah | Wife of the Prophet |
Juwan | Perfume |
Juwariah | A small girl |
Juwariyah | Name of Prophet Muhammad's wife. |
Juwayriyyah | Wife of Muhammad |
Juzla | To get Joyousness/Gladness |
Jwairiya | Small servant |