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ToggleMuslim/Arabic Baby Names Starting With R
In this post help to get Muslim/Arabic BabyNames Starting with R and Meaning. This very useful for new parents to select baby names. Content also include Islamic babynames and that meaning also.
Muslim Boy R
Name | Meaning |
Raahil | Path Guider |
Raahim | One who is compassionate, kind and merciful. |
Raaid | pioneer, explorer, guide |
Raamiz | Symbol |
Raatib | Arranger |
Raazi | satisfied, contended |
Rabar | A Loving and Caring Person to All |
Rabbi | my lord (allah) |
Rabee | Spring |
Rabees | Powerful, Fearless, Dauntless |
Rabi | Spring, Spring Time |
Rabiah | Greenery |
Rabih | winner, gainer |
Radi | Satisfied, Content |
Raed | Pioneer; Explorer; Leader; Guide; Pathfinder; Chief Commande... |
Raees | Rich, Wealthy, Chief |
Raem | One Who has a Desire |
Rafa'ah | High |
Rafan | Beautiful, Graceful |
Rafaqat | Friendship, Closeness |
Rafay | The Exaulter, To Elevate Rank |
Rafaz | Ways, Paths, Pieces |
Rafee | High, High-ranking, Cultured |
Rafi | high ranking, noble, exalted |
Rafid | tributary stream, supporter |
Rafif | Glittering, Shining, Gleaming |
Rafiq | intimate friend, companion |
Rafiqh | A variant spelling is Rafiq which means Friend, Companion, G... |
Rafq | Patience, Tolerance, Endurance |
Ragheb | Desirous |
Ragheed | Comfort, Opulence, Affluence |
Raghib | Willing, Desirous, Wishful |
Ragib | desirous, wishful |
Ragid | comfort, affluence |
Rahaam | Priest Name |
Raham | Merciful |
Rahat | Rest |
Rahbar | Leader, Guide, Coach |
Raheeb | Merciful, Kind |
Raheeq | A smart, handsome and elegant man. |
Raheesh | Leader, Chief, Rich |
Rahil | Traveller |
Rahim | merciful, compassionate |
Rahman | the most gracious: one of the names of allah |
Rahmat | mercy, compassion, kindness |
Rahmatullah | Mercy of Allah |
Raid | Pioneer, Explorer, Leader |
Raihan | Heavens' Flower |
Raiq | Pure, Clear, Tranquil |
Rais | Leader, Chief, President |
Raisuddin | Leader of the Religion (Islam) |
Rajab | A Month of Islamic Calendar |
Rajeel | One Who Walks Too Much |
Rajih | superior, predominant |
Rakeem | A variant spelling of the Quranic name Raqeem; Said to be de... |
Rakhshan | Dazzling, Shining, Bright |
Rakin | firm, steady, solid |
Ramadan | Name of Islamic Month |
Ramaz | Ramaz is the Georgian form of Ramadan. It means parchedness,... |
Rameel | Mercy of God; God is gracious; Kindness of God |
Ramees | Winter; A variant of name Rameez which means Prince |
Ramish | Song, Peace, Rest |
Ramiz | (Arabic)-Learned; Dignified; Honored; Respected; A variant s... |
Ramzi | The Man Who Keeps Secrets |
Raonar | Lustre |
Raqib | observer, guard |
Raqim | Writer |
Raquib | Most Watchful |
Raseem | One Who Designs |
Raseen | Calm, Composed |
Rashaad | To Lead a Righteous Life |
Rashad | Thinker; Counselor; Having good judgment; Good sense and goo... |
Rashdan | Guidance, |
Rasheed | Thinker; Counselor; Having good judgment; Good sense and goo... |
Rashid | wise, prudent, judicious |
Rashiq | graceful, elegant |
Rasikh | Well-established, Well-found |
Rasil | Messenger; God Sent |
Rasim | planner, designer |
Rasin | Composed |
Rasul | messenger of allah |
Rateeb | One who arranges, puts things in place |
Ratib | Arranger |
Rauf | Who Is Every One's Friend |
Raunaq | To enjoy beauty. pomp, luster |
Raushan | Bright like the light of the sky |
Rawahah | A person who is easy to please |
Rawdah | Garden Meadow, Paradise |
Rawh | Refreshment, Rest |
Rayhan | ease, fragrant herb |
Rayi | Amazing |
Rayn | The heaven's gate's name |
Rayyan | Door of Heaven |
Razan | Sensibility and Respect |
Razeen | Sedate, Solemn, Sober |
Razin | Calm, Composed, Self-possess |
Razzaq | provider |
Rebin | Path finder |
Reehab | Vastness or wideness. |
Reheeq | One who is smart, handsome or elegant. |
Rehmat | Mercy |
Rehza | To wish for something strongly |
Reihan | Variant of Rejhan, meaning basil plant. |
Rejhan | Basil plant |
Rekan | Runnel or spring waterway |
Renas | Mentor or pioneer |
Renaud | Wise Power |
Reshbin | A male name given to Muslim Boys |
Reshteen | Of truthful nature and character |
Reuf | Very merciful |
Revaz | He who is wealthy and successful |
Reyaz | Practice; A variant spelling of Riyaz which means Garden |
Reza | satisfaction, pleasure, consent |
Rezeya | A muslim baby Boy name |
Reziko | Diminutive of Revaz, meaning wealthy and successful |
Riaasat | One who is the leader of the entire state |
Rib'i | A Vernal plant that appears in the springtime |
Ridha | Contentment; Satisfaction; Acceptance |
Ridwan | Acceptance, Satisfaction |
Rifa'ah | One with dignity |
Rifaaqat | He who is a good companionship |
Rifah | Name of twenty three companions of Muhammad |
Rifaqat | A feeling of friendship and companionship |
Rifat | A man who was born into high status |
Rifqi | kind |
Rigel | Arabic - Foot; Rygel is a variant of Rigel |
Riggin | An English Surname of possible German Origin |
Rihab | Vastness |
Rihedl | The one who shows the way to others |
Rijad | Desert gardens |
Rinaf | A person with a clam personality |
Rinsheena | A male muslim name |
Risay | One who is like a black rose |
Rivin | Flame |
Riwas | Tradition; Culture; A variant spelling is Riwaz |
Riwaz | Tradition; Culture; A variant spelling is Riwaz |
Riyah | Comfort |
Riyasat | Rule, Dominion |
Riyaz | garden |
Riza | Pleasure |
Rizq | A livelihood person who is blessed of Allah |
Rizu | Brave; Powerful; Mighty; Courageous |
Rizvan | An Angel who guards the Heaven |
Rizvi | An Angel who protects the Paradise |
Rizwaan | satisfaction, contentment |
Rizwan | Satisfaction Contentment |
Rkhvan | A jubilant person |
Robeel | One who flies across the sky |
Roder | Sunrise |
Rohaan | One who is as pure as a spirit |
Rohab | Who Keeps One"s Promise |
Rohail | A traveller, a passanger |
Rojyar | Where the sun rises |
Romail | A King founder of the city Rome |
Ronaq | Luster |
Rooh | He who is full of spirit and soul |
Roohullah | Spirit of Allah An Epithet |
Rostom | Georgian form of Rostam It means strong, valiant and brave |
Rowel | A Boy who looks like a flower |
Royar | Where the sun rises. |
Ruhan | Spiritual |
Ruhulhaq | A truthful and kind person |
Ruhulqudus | A holy spirit |
Rukanah | Firm, Solid |
Rukham | One who is like a marble |
Rumaan | Fruit in Jannat (Anaar) |
Ruman | One who is a pomegranate |
Rusham | Peaceful |
Rushd | Right Guidance |
Rushdam | A man rightly guided |
Rushdi | rightly guided, on the right way |
Rustam | the most renowned hero among the persians |
Rusul | Messengers, Message-bearers. |
Ruwaid | One whose walk is gentle |
Ruwaihim | One who is kind, compassionate and forgiving. |
Ruwayfe | High Superior Exalted |
Ruwayfi | High status, or exalted |
Ruwwad | Those who are pioneers and explorers |
Muslim Girl R
Name | Meaning |
Raahi | Traveller; Good Companion; Spring |
Raaida | Explorer, Guide, Model |
Raaiqa | Pure, Clear, Tranquil |
Raameen | Obedient |
Raawiya | Transmitter (of Ancient Arabic Poetry) |
Raazia | Satisfied, Contended |
Rabab | White cloud |
Rabeea | Garden |
Rabhya | Worshipped; Celebrated; A variant of Rabiya which means Spri... |
Rabia | Spring, Springtime |
Rabiha | Winner, Gainer |
Rabihaat | Winners, acquirers |
Rabihah | Winner, achiever. |
Rabita | Band, Bond, Link |
Rabitah | Bond, tie |
Rabwah | Highland or hilly area. |
Radia | Satisfied; Content; Fulfillement; Happy and Pleased |
Radwa | A mountain in Medina |
Raeesah | Princess, Noble lady |
Rafa | Happiness, Prosperity |
Rafat | Mercy, Compassion |
Rafeeqah | Friend, Soft-hearted |
Raffia | A variant of Rafia and Rafiah which means exquisite; brillia... |
Rafia | High ranking, Noble |
Rafiah | Sublime, exquisite |
Rafida | Support, Prop |
Rafidah | Support |
Rafiqah | Friend, companion |
Rafqa | Wide |
Raghad | Pleasant |
Raghada | Comfort, Opulence, Affluence |
Raghibah | Desiring, desirous |
Raghid | Comfort, Opulence |
Raheda | Right minded, Right guided |
Raheebah | A woman who is generous and open hearted. |
Raheemah | Merciful |
Rahifa | Sharp |
Rahila | One who travels |
Rahima | Kind, Compassionate |
Rahimah | Merciful, compassionate |
Rahmaa | To have mercy upon |
Rahmi | One who is merciful and compassionate. |
Rahmiya | A compassionate and kind woman. |
Rahumah | A woman who is kind, merciful and compassionate. |
Raidah | Leader, pioneer |
Raifah | Merciful |
Raihana | The fragrance of a rose |
Raim | A mother who has strong affection for her child. |
Raima | Pleasing; Queen; Charming |
Raisa | Leader, Superior |
Raitah | A narrator of Hadith |
Raizel | Rose |
Rajia | Hope, Expectation, Wish |
Rajiyah | Hoping, full of hope |
Rajwa | Hope |
Rakhima | Soft, Predominant |
Rakina | Firm, Steady |
Rameesha | A bunch of roses |
Ramelle | Arabic - Son; A variant of Ramel |
Ramia | Sender |
Ramineh | A woman of a quiet and peaceful personality. |
Ramla | Sand, Wife of muhammad |
Ramlah | Old Arabic name |
Ramzeela | Flower In Heaven |
Ramzia | Gift |
Raneem | To recite in a sing song voice |
Rania | Queen |
Raniyah | Gazing |
Ranja | Gaze; Looking; Beautiful to look at |
Ranrha | Light |
Raqeema | One who is intelligent and perceptive |
Raqia | Superior, High ranking, Educated |
Rasha | A fawn |
Rashauna | Splendid flower of God; Strong Defender; Shield |
Rasheeda | Wise, Mature |
Rasheedah | Intelligent one, Sober |
Rashiqa | Graceful, Elegant |
Rasikha | Well established, Well founded |
Rasima | Planner, Designer |
Rasmiyah | Official, formal |
Ratiba | Well-arranged, Well-ordered |
Raunaa | One who gazes at people beutifully |
Raunaq | Beauty, Grace, Glamour |
Raunaq Jahan | Lustre of the world |
Raushan Ara Begum | Lady adorning light |
Raushana | A handful of sweet basil |
Raushangul | Glowing flower |
Rawhah | Nice |
Rawiah | A person who can transmitt ancient Arabic poetry |
Rayhana | A handful of sweet basil |
Rayme | Loving; Caring |
Rayowa | Life |
Rayya | No Longer Thirsty; Sated with Drink |
Razaanah | One who is calm |
Razia | Content, Satisfied |
Razija | She who is satisfied, content with her life. |
Razina | Calm, Composed |
Rdita | She who is beautiful by her deeds |
Reeha | Air |
Reema | White antelope |
Refija | She who is tall and pretty. |
Refika | Friend or companion. |
Rehemat | Gift |
Rehnuma | One Who Guides U |
Rehwa | Ancient Name Of River Narmada |
Rejhana | Rejhana is a Bosnian version of Rihanna and means basil plan... |
Rekhmina | Silken, name of a fabric |
Remitha | Pleasing, Loved |
Reshtina | Truthful, a stern believer of truth. |
Revin | Escape or flight |
Rewan | Soul, adult or properly |
Reyhana | Sweet smelling flower of paradise |
Rifaat | Altitude, Height, High |
Rifah | The feeling of dignity and elevation |
Rifna | An angel faced princess |
Rifqa | Kindness, Gentleness |
Rihana | Sweet Basil |
Rijja | Heavens beauty |
Rim | White Gazelle, Antelope |
Rimsha | Bunch of flowers |
Riqbah | A name of the prophet's wife |
Risna | A wise and blackhaired, dark woman |
Riwana | The Moon Light |
Rizqin | Good fortune |
Rizwaana | Satisfaction, Contentment |
Rizwana | Beautiful, Guardian of heaven |
Rizwi | A deeply religious woman |
Rojin | One who is like a sun, pretty |
Romana | Pomegranate, The fruit of Paradise |
Romeesa | Heavens beauty |
Rond | A tree of a sweet scent |
Roobi | A woman who is like a ruby and a pearl |
Roohee | A very spiritual woman |
Roohi | A music tune that touches the heart |
Rosemah | One who is as beautiful as a rose. |
Roshaney | People who are celebrated among other men |
Roshina | The one who gives light |
Roshini | Light, noor |
Rouhi | A female, woman name of Muslim origin |
Rozerin | Where the sun rises |
Rozhin | The beginning of the day |
Ruba | Hill |
Rubaa | Hills, height |
Rubaina | Bright |
Rubay | A daughter of the Muaw |
Rubeina | A waterfall of love |
Rubi | One who is like a red gemstone, like a ruby |
Rubina | Blessed with love, waterfall |
Rubiya | An arrival of the spring season |
Rudaynah | Old Arabic name |
Rufaidah | Support |
Rufaydah | One who supports Allah |
Rufqa | Something that gives benefit. |
Ruhaimah | A compassionate and merciful woman. |
Ruhaniya | A woman filled with spirituality |
Ruhee | A woman who touches your heart with her soul |
Ruhi | One with a beutiful soul |
Ruhia | A soulful woman |
Ruhina | One who smells like a perfume |
Rujita | A woman known for her beauty |
Rukan | A person with a steady nature |
Rukayat | One who the Allah loves |
Rukhaiyabanu | The name of the Akbar's second wife |
Rukhila | One who loves her heart |
Rukhsana | Beautiful |
Rukhsar | Cheek |
Rukhshana | Bright, Brilliant, Shining |
Ruksha | Beautiful |
Rumailah | An ancient Arabic name |
Rumaisa | Bunch of flowers |
Rumaylah | An ancien female Arabic name |
Rumeha | Beautiful Stone |
Rumeysa | Variant of Rumaisa. It means wind that scatters dust and hid... |
Rummana | Pomegranate |
Rupsa | A river in Bangladesh. Also a woman of impeccable beauty |
Rupsha | A girl with impeccable beauty and a name of the river of Ban... |
Ruqaya | She is a daughter of the Prophet |
Ruqayah | Prophet Muhammed's daughter |
Ruqayqah | A prominent woman's name |
Ruqayya | Prophet's female child |
Ruqayyah | Muhammed's female child |
Ruqsar | A brilliant young woman |
Rusen | One who is jovial and cheerful. |
Rushda | A woman of good guidance |
Rushdiya | Rightly guided, On the right way |
Rutaba | Reputation |
Ruwaida | To walk very gently |
Ruwaidah | An unhurrying, gentle person |
Ruya | Vision, Sight |
Ruyah | Dream, vision |