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ToggleMuslim/Arabic Baby Names Starting With S
In this post help to get Muslim/Arabic BabyNames Starting with S and Meaning. This very useful for new parents to select baby names. Content also include Islamic babynames and that meaning also.
Muslim Boy S
Name | Meaning |
Saadiq | true, honest, devoted |
Saafir | Ambassador, Handsome |
Saaid | rising, ascending |
Sabahat | Beauty, Grace, Handsomeness |
Sabat | firmness, stability, endurance |
Sabawoon | A Pashtun term for dawn or morning |
Sabeer | Patient, Tolerant |
Sabghta | Color given by Allah, true faith, |
Sabih | Coming or Arrival in the Morning |
Sabiq | first, winner |
Sabit | Firmly in place, or unshakeable. |
Sabtu | Malay word for Saturday. |
Sadeed | Relevant, Pertinent |
Sadid | correct, sound, hitting the target |
Sadit | Hard Working and Strong |
Sadooq | Honest, Truthful, Sincere |
Saduh | Singer, Singing |
Sadun | Happy |
Saeed | happy, lucky, blissful |
Saeel | Attacker |
Safan | He who is brave, bold, and courageous, |
Safdar | brave |
Safeer | Emissary |
Safet | Best part or pure |
Safir | ambassador, mediator |
Safiy | Best Friend |
Safwan | Pure, Clear, Smooth Stone |
Saghir | small, young |
Sahab | clouds |
Sahar Gul | Morning flower |
Saheim | Warrior |
Sahil | River Bank, Coast |
Sahim | Partner |
Sahl | Soft, Soil, Smooth |
Sahmir | Entertaining Companion |
Saib | A man who is sound in judgement. |
Saifan | Sword of Allah |
Sair | A passionate and enthusiastic human being. |
Sajid | prostrate in worship, bowing in adoration to allah |
Sajjad | One Who Constantly Prostrate |
Sakhawat | generosity, liberality |
Sakhir | He Who Wins Heart |
Sakoot | Silence, Peace, Calm |
Salabah | Abdullah was a Narrator of Hadith |
Salabat | strong, majesty, dignity |
Salam | peace, safety |
Saleet | Shar-tongued |
Salek | traveller, wayfarer |
Salib | Lebanese term for pointing out someone's error. |
Salif | Previous, Former |
Salil | drawn (sword), son |
Salimgerey | Safe, secure and healthy |
Salman | safe |
Samad | eternal |
Sameed | A leader, king or lord. One who is beneficence. |
Sameen | Precious, Invaluable |
Sameh | The one who is forgiving. |
Samih | Magnanimous, Generous, King |
Samim | sincere, genuine, pure |
Samin | valuable, precious |
Samir | companion (in nightly conversation), entertainer |
Samit | Quiet |
Samroze | A fruitful tree |
Samsam | A sharp sword |
Samsor | Fresh, ripe, blooming and flourishing |
Samurah | Name of a distinguished Sahabi RA |
Sanad | support, prop |
Sanawbar | A Cone-bearing Tree, Fir |
Sangar | Battleground/Fighting Point |
Sangrez | Stone Breaker |
Sannan | A daring person, one who is fearless and dauntless. |
Sanzhar | He who pierces, or thrusts |
Saqabat | One who is in perfect health. |
Saqaf | To Surpass in Skill |
Saqer | Falcon |
Saqib | piercing, sagacious, acute |
Saqif | proficient, skilful |
Saqlain | Two Worlds |
Saqr | Falcon |
Saquib | Bright |
Sarab | Mirage |
Saramat | Chief, Ruler, Traveller |
Sarban | Caravan Leader |
Sarbaz | Caravan Leader |
Sarikh | The one who redresses grievances. |
Sarim | Brave, Lion, Sword |
Sariyah | Clouds at Night |
Sarmad | Everlasting |
Sarni | The elevated one. |
Sarsen | Born of Wednesday |
Sarwar | Leader, Chief, Master |
Satipaldy | We bought this one |
Sattar | veiler (of sin) |
Satwat | Majesty or royal majesty |
Sauban | Two Garments |
Saulat | Pomp, Dignity, Majesty |
Sawlat | Influence, Commanding, Personality |
Sayed | Leader |
Sayf | sword |
Sayfudin | The sword of Faith |
Sayhan | Flowing |
Sayyar | Mobile |
Sayyid | lord, chief, master |
Seena | Moon |
Sejad | Fortunate, happy |
Selab | Flood |
Selasa | Malay word for Tuesday. |
Selver | Lord, chief |
Ã…Â emsudin | Sunshine of faith |
Senadin | Glow of faith, majesty of faith |
Ã…Â erif | Noble, respectable, honorable |
Serikbolat | Companion of steel |
Seriki | Leader of an Islamic community. |
Ã…Â eval | To carry |
Sevket | Turkish form of Shawkat, meaning power and dignity |
Seyyid | Mister or sir |
Shaaf | One Who Gives Health |
Shaafi | healing, salutary, satisfactory |
Shaahid | witness |
Shabaan | A name of ISlamic month |
Shabah | Resembling |
Shabaka | Name of an Egyptian ruler. |
Shaban | An eight month of the Muslim lunar calendar |
Shabbar | A singer |
Shabbeer | A virtous and beautiful man |
Shabbir | A phrophet's grandson |
Shabi | He who is a leading scholar |
Shabib | A scholar who wrote about spelling in the Quran |
Shadaab | A fresh and evergreen person |
Shadab | Fresh, Evergreen |
Shadah | A pleasant and jovial man |
Shadan | Happy |
Shadeed | A lover |
Shadin | He is like a young deer |
Shaeen | A royal white falcon |
Shafa | An advocate who mediates |
Shafaaat | To mediate things |
Shafaat | One who is recommended |
Shafaqat | compassion, pity |
Shafeek | One who is compassionate and merciful |
Shafeeq | Compassionate, Tender |
Shafeer | One who is a messenger |
Shafiq | affectionate, warm-hearted |
Shafiulla | Compassionate of Allah or Purity of Allah |
Shafraz | The one who is an intelligent leader of others |
Shaguftah | Blooming, Happy |
Shah Nawaz | Brave or prince |
Shahadat | testimony, evidence |
Shahalam | He who is the King of the world |
Shahan | Kings, King |
Shahanshah | The King of the Kings, The Shah of Shahs |
Shaharyar | He is a King |
Shahazad | A man who is a King |
Shahbaaz | He who is like a WHite Falcon |
Shahbaz | The falcon king, the White Falcon |
Shahed | A Boy sweet as honey |
Shaheed | He is a witness and a martyr |
Shaheem | An intelligent man |
Shaheen | Royal, White Falcon |
Shaheer | SOmeone who is well-known, famous |
Shahiq | A high and towering person |
Shahir | A well-known and eminent person |
Shahmeer | One who is very handsome. |
Shahood | One who is always ready at the service of others |
Shahou | The best and most valuable pearl. A variant of Shahu. |
Shahpar | The longest feather in a bird. |
Shahpur | Prince, son of a king. |
Shahran | He is like the Moonlight |
Shahroz | Bright Face |
Shahrukh | Indian Actor |
Shahryar | friend of the city, king |
Shahu | The best and most valuable pearl |
Shahwar | Very precious |
Shahzaada | A princley person |
Shahzad | A man who is a King |
Shahzada | He is a Prince |
Shahzaib | He wears a King's crown |
Shahzar | King of Gold |
Shahzor | One who hold extreme power |
Shahzore | Powerful, Kingly, Forceful |
Shaibaan | A grey and senile old person |
Shaida | He who is a great lover |
Shaiel | A man who tallks uninelligbly |
Shaifta | One who Loves deeply |
Shaik | He is a Sheik |
Shaikh | A head, a leader |
Shairyaar | A feeling of friendship |
Shaizad | A son of the King |
Shajan | A person who is long |
Shajee | Bold, Courageous |
Shakaib | One with a good knowledge |
Shakeb | One who is gifted and rewardet |
Shakerah | He who is thankful for everything he's got |
Shakib | One who is gifted a lot |
Shakil | well formed, handsome |
Shakir | A grateful person |
Shakoor | One who serves the thankful lord |
Shakur | thankful, grateful |
Shalimoon | Assyrian form of Solomon, meaning peace. |
Shallal | He is like a waterfall |
Shamail | An all comprehensive person |
Shamal | Wind that Comes From the North |
Shamar | One who is ready for the battle |
Shamas | He is the Sun |
Shambhu | Lord Shiva |
Shameel | One who is a complete person |
Shameem | A persons scent |
Shamikh | One who towers above others, a tall person |
Shamil | One who is an all comprehesive person |
Shamim | An odor, a scent, perfume |
Shammas | One who is a deacon |
Shamoil | He has the name of a Prophet |
Shams | The Sun |
Shamsheer | One who has the Sword of Honors |
Shamsher | sword |
Shamsideen | He is the Sun of religion |
Shamsuddeen | The Sun of religion |
Shamsuddin | A man who is the Sun of religion |
Shamsudduha | He is considered as the Sun of the faith |
Shamsulhaq | He is a Sun of the Truth |
Shamsuzzaman | The SUn of the ages that passed |
Shanawar | One who is the protector of sea |
Shaqeeb | He was a patient gift to his family |
Shaqeeq | Real, Brother |
Sharaara | He is like a spark of lightning |
Sharaf | Nobility, High Rank |
Sharafat | A man of great nobility |
Sharafuddin | A man who is the honor of the religion |
Sharara | He who is the spark of the lightning |
Shareeh | A man who is a good companion |
Shareek | Associate |
Shariat | Divine Law, Islamic Law |
Shariatullah | To live by the divine Allah's law |
Sharif | noble, honourable, highborn |
Sharifu | One who is noble and honorable. |
Sharim | A man who is both fast an brisk |
Sharjil | A Companion of Prophet Muhammad |
Shaukat | Power, Might, Valour |
Shauq | A man who has a deep interest in things |
Shawaiz | A man who speaks very melodiously |
Shawkat | power, mighty, bravery |
Shawqi | Affectionate |
Shayaan | Intelligent |
Shayal | Hardworking, Diligent |
Shayban | An aged, elderly and grey-haired man |
Shayd | An infatuated person in love |
Shaydi | A Boy who sings for a living |
Shayer | He is a poet |
Shaykh | One who teaches people |
Shazad | One with royal blood, a prince |
Shazadi | He who is a prince |
Shazeb | A king who is decorated |
Shazib | He who is out of the ordinary |
Shazil | A king |
Shees | A name of a prophet |
Sheeth | Muslim equivalent for Biblical name Seth, meaning one who is... |
Shefi | One who smells nice |
Shehin | A falcon |
Shehroze | A king of roses |
Shehryar | An elderly king |
Shehzaad | A prince |
Shehzad | Prince, or offspring of a king, |
Sheikh | A teacher or a chief |
Shemsuddin | Sun of the faith |
Sherafgan | One who defeated a lion, a powerful one |
Sheraz | Name of a Prince Who Founded |
Sherin | Very Sweet |
Shihab | flame, meteor, shooting star |
Shihabaldin | Star of the faith |
Shihabuddin | Star of the religion |
Shihad | He who is as sweet as a honey |
Shimmokeen | A man of good reputation. |
Shimta | All the time. |
Shinas | Identifier, Distinguisher |
Shiqdar | A family title. Before, it was a name for a land tax collect... |
Shnina | Sharp edge |
Shoaib | The name used by the Prophet |
Shoiab | One who is always guiding others in life |
Shokat | He who hold the power |
Shu'aa | He who is like a sunshine |
Shuaib | Muslim name of a Prophet |
Shufwat | The best of men who is immaculate |
Shuhrah | fame, renown |
Shuhrat | A renown man with good reputation |
Shujaa | He is courageous and fearless |
Shujaat | Courage, Bravery, Valour |
Shujauddin | A brave man of the Islam |
Shumayl | A man wh is complete, who lacks nothing |
Shuneal | One who is a traveller, who loves to travel |
Shuqran | Blondness, Fair |
Shurayh | A Narrator |
Shuraym | Split, Cleavage |
Sial | A man of equal status, or competition |
Sibbt | Grand child |
Sibghatullah | One who is the color of Allah |
Sibt | One who is a grandson. Also means to be a member of a tribe |
Sibtain | Hazrat Imam Hassan (RA) and Hazrat Imam Hussain |
Siddeeq | An upright honest person |
Siddiq | He who is honest, truthful and upright |
Siddique | A truthful and honest man |
Sidq | An honest truth |
Sidqi | A sincere and honest man |
Siffat | Praise |
Sikandar | alexander |
Sikander | One who is a defender of mankind |
Sikdar | peace keepers |
Silah | Arms, Armour, Weapons |
Simco | One who harkens |
Simin | One who is made of silver |
Sinan | One who is as sharp as the tip of the spear |
Sinanuddin | One who is the spear of Islam |
Sineen | One who is beautiful and radiant. |
Siraaj | Lamp, light |
Siraj | Lamp, light |
Sirajaldin | He who is the light of the Islam |
Sirajeddin | A man who is the light of the faith |
Sirajuddawlah | The State's Lamp |
Sirajuddin | To be the light of the religion |
Sirvan | Name of a river in Kurdistan. |
Siyaf | Sword player, Swordsman |
Siyamak | One who enjoys solitary |
Siyavash | One who has many black stallions |
Skandar | A helper and defender of men |
Soad | A lucky boy |
Soban | To return to Allah, or to repent. |
Sofian | Devoted |
Sofiane | He who speaks in a fast pace |
Sohail | Moon-glow |
Soham | I am |
Soheil | To be on the same level, to be even |
Sohil | Beautiful |
Sohrab | One who is a hero, a living legend |
Soleh | A person who is deeply religious |
Soner | He who is the last man |
Songkarn | One born at the Thai New Year's festival |
Soofi | A name of the Islamic mystic |
Soroush | He who is a happy man |
Souban | One who is a returning companion |
Souhail | A man who has no trouble and is easy to interact with |
Souheil | A name of a Star in the sky |
Su'ud | Good luck |
Suada | Conviction |
Subbooh | He who is very clean and tidy |
Subhan | praise, glory |
Subhi | Early morning |
Subhy | Early morning |
Subimal | A very clear person |
Suboor | A man of great patience who takes pity on others |
Sudhanidhi | A Boy with the Moon in his eyes |
Sued | He who is a master |
Sufi | a mystic, someone believing in sufi mysticism |
Sufian | A man who makes a great companion and friend |
Sufiya | He who is a mystic |
Sufsuf | One who walks very, very fast |
Sufyan | One who walks as fast as the wind |
Suhaan | Very Good |
Suhail | Gentle, easy, the name of a star |
Suhayb | Of reddish hair or complexion |
Suhayl | One with no troubles |
Suhrab | Son of the Iranian Epic Hero |
Ã…Â ukrija | He who is grateful to God. |
Sukru | Grateful |
Sulaimaan | A name of a great Prophet |
Sulaiman | A prophet's name, solomon |
Sulaym | A man who is safe, sound and unhurt |
Sulayman | A prophet's name, solomon |
Sulayt | Dominant, Strong |
Suleiman | Peace |
Sulejman | Variant of Solomon, meaning peace. |
Suleyman | He who is man of pece |
Sultaan | The who is ruler and king of people |
Sultan | He is a King, a Sultan. He rules others |
Sumamah | Millet (Plant) |
Sumayya | Matyr of Islam |
Sumood | A man of great composure, determination and perserverance |
Sumrah | Brownness |
Sundus | He who is like the fine silk brocade |
Suoud | Good luck |
Supratit | A well demontrated man |
Surayj | Ibn Yunus al-Marwazi |
Suroor | A feeling of joy and exhiliration |
Surraq | He who steals. A thief |
Surroje | A place name. One who is from an Albanian village Surroj |
Surur | A man who is filled with joyous, happy feelings |
Suvabrata | One who gave an auspicious vow |
Suwaybit | Roof Over Path |
Suwayd | Black |
Swab | One who is true and does the right things |
Muslim Girl S
Name | Meaning |
Saabira | Patient, Tolerant |
Saadat | Blessing |
Saadiqa | True, Truthful, Honest |
Saafia | Pure, Clear, Crystal |
Saahirah | Earth, moon, or spring which flows constantly |
Saaida | Branch, Tributary, Affluent |
Saaima | Safe, Secure, Perfect |
Saaleha | Flower |
Saalima | Safe, Secure, Perfect |
Saar-rah | Lady whose charming manner brings joy. |
Sabburah | A girl with a patient and enduring personality. |
Sabeen | Cool breeze of the morning |
Sabeena | From The Name Sabine An Italian Culture |
Sabiha | Beautiful |
Sabina | Flower |
Sabiqah | A Sindhi term for past. |
Sabirah | Patient, perseverant |
Sabuhi | Morning Star |
Sadeta | Felicity, fortune, joy |
Sadiah | Good luck |
Sadiqah | Truthful, sincere |
Sadoof | Name of a poetess. |
Saeeda | Happy, Lucky |
Saeedah | Fortunate, Auspicious |
Safeerah | Messenger, Ambassador |
Safeta | Clean or pure |
Saffiya | Best freind |
Safia | Chaste |
Safija | Bosnian form of Safiya, meaning clean and pure. |
Safiya | Pure, Sincere and honest friend |
Safwana | A Shining Star, Rock |
Sagheerah | Short |
Sahiba | The Lady |
Sahibah | Colleague |
Sahiqa | Lebanese term for rain. |
Sahira | Mountain |
Sahirah | Wakeful |
Sahla | Smooth, Simple, Fluent, Facile, Easy |
Sahlah | Easy, convenient |
Saida | Most Beautiful, unmatched, friendly |
Saifreena | Smile |
Saikara | Cherry blossoms of the world |
Saima | Fasting |
Saimah | Fasting. |
Saimeera | Brilliant and energetic girl |
Saimi | A variation of Saima. It means fasting woman. |
Saira | Happy |
Sajaf | Veil or cover. |
Sajida | Prostrate in worship, Bowing in adoration |
Sajidah | Prostrating to God |
Sajiya | Brave |
Sajjal | Nice, fine, beautiful, well-arranged |
Sakeena | God Inspired Peace Of Mind, Tranquillity |
Sakhiya | Generous, Liberal, Open Handed |
Sakiba | One who is sharp-minded. |
Sakina | Calmness, Tranquility, Repose |
Salama | Peace, Safety |
Saleema | Safe, Healthy |
Saleemah | Healthy, Sound |
Salena | The Moon |
Salifah | Previous |
Saliha | Pious, Righteous, Upright |
Salila | Water |
Salima | Sound, Perfect, Complete |
Salma | Peace |
Salwa | Quail, Comfort |
Samaah | Generosity |
Samah | Generosity, Bounty |
Samaira | Enchanting |
Samal | Breeze |
Samaneh | Arabic name of the bird quail. |
Sameenah | Overweight, fat |
Sameera | Early Morning Fragrance, Entertaining Companion |
Sameya | Pure |
Samiha | Generous, Kind, Good Hearted |
Samija | Elevated, high |
Samina | Valuable, Precious, Priceless |
Samirah | Entertaining female companion |
Samiya | Incomparable |
Samra | One who is dark or dark skinned. |
Samrah | Name of a fruit, written in the Quran 24 times |
Samyan | Singular, unique, incomparable, |
Sana | Resplendence, brilliance, to gaze, look |
Sanaa | Praise, Commendation, Eulogy |
Sanabel | Plant ears, plant spikes, ears of wheat. |
Sanah | Skilful, Radiance, Elegance |
Sanam | Beloved |
Sanari | Sweet and Beautiful |
Sanaubar | Cone bearing tree |
Sandanammal | Fragrance |
Sangina | The one who is polite with everyone |
Saniya | Brilliant, Majestic, Exalted |
Saniyah | Resplendence, brilliance |
Sanjeedah | Serious |
Sanjida | Weighty, Proved |
Sareena | Princess, beautiful as a princess. |
Sarina | Peace |
Sarra | She was a female companion |
Sarrinah | Beautiful, companion of prophet (SAW) |
Sauda | Wife of the Prophet |
Sausan | Lily of the valley |
Sawsan | Lily of the valley |
Sayyida | Lady |
Sazan | Carp or roach |
Seada | One who is happy and cheerful. |
Sefa | Pleasure |
Ã…Â efika | A variant of Shafeeka, meaning merciful and forgiving. |
Segulah | Treasure |
Seherunnisa | The woman of dawn. |
Ã…Â eherzada | Free city |
Sehrish | A woman with a fascinating and enchanting personality. |
Selveta | Comfort, consolation |
Selvi | Youthful |
Sembaruthi | Name of a Beautiful Flower, Hibiscus |
Ã…Â emsa | Sun |
Senadina | Glow of faith |
Senbagam | Name of a Beautiful Flower |
Seniya | One who is praiseworthy |
Senni | Peak |
Senzala | Senzala is a type of flower found in Central Asia |
Serap | Mirage |
Sercan | Servant or slave |
Seri | Closeness, fullness |
Serina | Calm and tranquil, a girl with a calm and tranquil nature |
Ã…Â evala | Shawwal - the tenth month in the Islamic lunar calendar. |
Sevgili | Darling |
Sevinc | Joy, delight |
Sevvi | Perfection, Beauty |
Seyda | A woman who is crazy in love. |
Seyyal | Traveler |
Sezen | Feeling |
Shaahida | Witness |
Shabab | A youthful girl |
Shabahang | The morning-star, or nightingale |
Shabana | Belonging to night |
Shabanna | Belonging to night. |
Shabeenah | A nocturnal person, who loves the night |
Shabiba | SHe who is like a grandmother |
Shabnam | She is like the first morning dew |
Shadaf | She is like a seashell |
Shadee | One who sing beautifuly, a singer |
Shadha | Aromatic |
Shadhaa | Of good smell, aromatic |
Shadi | She is a singer |
Shadia | Singer |
Shadiya | To sing beautifuly |
Shadiyah | Singer |
Shadleen | Happy and soft hearted women. |
Shafana | A person of integrity |
Shafeeqa | A tenderhearted and kind woman |
Shafeeqah | A tenderhearted compassionate woman |
Shafia | Mediatress |
Shafika | A kind hearted woman |
Shafinaz | A pretty, lovely and kind woman |
Shafiqa | A kind, simphatetic woman |
Shafiqah | Compassionate, kind one |
Shafira | A nice and well behaved woman. |
Shafiulla | A woman who is comappionate |
Shafna | A purehearted woman |
Shagufta | Affection, or fresh. |
Shaguftah | A person who blooms with happiness |
Shahana | Royal, Kingly, Splendid, Magnificent |
Shahay | "Beautiful. It's the name of the heroine of folk tale ""Dala... |
Shaheeda | A Martyr for the Islamic cause |
Shaheena | Falcon |
Shaheera | An emintent. distinuished woman |
Shahen | Falcon |
Shahernaz | The town's loved one, or favorite one. |
Shaherzad | City-born, or daughter of city. |
Shahfiqa | A kind girl |
Shahi | A rolyal woman |
Shahida | Witness |
Shahiqa | High, Towering, Lofty |
Shahira | Famous, Eminent, Renowned |
Shahla | A woman of bluish-black eyes |
Shahlaa | A girl whose eyes a re bluish-black color |
Shahlyla | Princess or queen of the night. |
Shahnaaz | One who is born to be a bride |
Shahnazz | A musical note |
Shahparee | Royal fairy and king's fairy. Or one who is extremely beauti... |
Shahrbanu | Lady of the city |
Shahrin | A month of the year |
Shahrzadah | She is the city's child |
Shahzaadee | A girl who is a Princess |
Shahzadi | Princess |
Shahzeen | A good kind of adoration |
Shaiba | A name is a variety of Artemisia, a Goddess of the moon and... |
Shaidah | She witnessed something |
Shaielle | An uninelligble speaker |
Shaila | Burning candle |
Shaima | One who is good natured. |
Shaimaa | A good natured woman |
Shaira | Poetess, Endowed |
Shajia | Courageous, Bold, Brave |
Shakeeba | A patient woman |
Shakila | Well formed, Beautiful |
Shakira | Thankful, Grateful |
Shakoora | A very deeply thankful individual |
Shakrin | A very beautiful lady |
Shakufa | The opening bud. |
Shaleeqa | One who is a real, true sister |
Shaliqa | One who acts like a true sister |
Shalmali | Silk-cottom tree |
Shamaamah | Fragrance or scent of itr or perfume. |
Shamaliyy | A star on the sky |
Shamaliyyah | A name of the star |
Shamamah | A very dim fragrance |
Shameela | Someone's natural disposition |
Shameema | A scent, a fragrance |
Shamikh | High, Lofty |
Shamila | An all-understanding one |
Shamilah | A complete woman |
Shamim | Perfume, Scent |
Shamima | A nice scent |
Shamiria | She is a guardian on men |
Shamma | Perfume, Gragrant |
Shamsa | Sun |
Shamsuddinkhan | She is the Sun of the religion |
Shamura | Diamond |
Shandana | Marvelous |
Shanifa | One who is loyal, faithful and true to herself and others. |
Shanzai | Tree of the paradise |
Shanzey | Diamond |
Shaperai | Fairy |
Shapira | Handsome |
Shapirta | Beautiful |
Shaqiqa | To be a sister |
Shaqra | A woman of blond hair and fair complexion who is from Ashqar |
Shaqraa | Blond, Fair haired |
Shaquarria | A woman of many gifts and talents |
Shareefah | She who is noble and gentle. |
Sharfa | A woman with glowing qualities |
Sharica | A woman who is held dearly |
Sharice | A woman preciously held |
Sharicka | A woman who is a partner in life |
Sharifa | Noble, Honorable, Highborn |
Sharika | Goddess Durga |
Sharina | Princess |
Sharjeela | A spark |
Sharmeela | Shy |
Sharmin | Shy, Bashful, Modest |
Shasmeen | A woman who is the most precious among them all |
Shastai | Pashto word for chrysanthemum |
Shawq | A woman who longs for things and people |
Shayda | A woman who is in love |
Shayma | Having a beauty spot |
Shazi | Fragrant, Aromatic |
Shazmina | The one who is capable of too much love |
Sheeba | One who gave an oath |
Sheenaz | One who posesses great beuty |
Sheeza | A restless person |
Shefali | A flower |
Shefrin | A well behaved woman. |
Shehrnaz | A beautiful and cute woman. |
Shehzadi | Princess |
Shekiera | She who is thankful |
Shellah | A truly kind person |
Shenaz | A bride to be |
Shezmin | A flower |
Shezreen | A particle og gold |
Shifa | Cure, Healing, Satisfaction |
Shikeela | Well-shaped woman |
Shimaa | A feeling of ectasy and joy |
Shinogai | One with green eyes |
Shirat | Song |
Shireen | A gentle, swwet and pleasant little girl |
Shirin | Blossom |
Shirin Bano | A sweet lady |
Shiyaaj | An endevavourus, hard-working woman |
Sholpan | Venus , the planet |
Shu'a | She is like the rays of the Sun light |
Shudun | A straight woman of powerful personality |
Shughla | Ray of light |
Shuhrah | A woman with impeccable reputation |
Shukr | Thanks, Gratitude |
Shukrah | She who is full of thankfulness |
Shukriya | Thanking and Acknowledging |
Shula | Flame, Blaze |
Shumail | A Muslim name meaning soorat |
Shumaila | The name means soorat |
Shumaylah | First woman who wore coloured garments and perfume |
Shurooq | A woman who is like a sun-rise, one who rises |
Shuruq | A woman who rises shining, like the morning sun |
Shyrailym | Glamourous |
Siara | A woman who is pure and holy |
Siaraa | A girl who is pure |
Sibaal | A woman who has long eyelashes |
Sibba | The name of Queen of Sheba |
Sibgha | Color or dye. |
Siddeeqa | A righteous friend, an honest woman |
Siddiqa | She is a righteous friend |
Sidida | A friendly woman |
Sidiqa | She is a woman with a friendly personality |
Sidratul | Cedar of the farthest point. |
Sihaam | Arrows |
Siham | Arrows |
Silaah | To be reunited |
Silai | Pashto word for wind |
Silmi | Peaceful |
Simta | A box to save money. |
Sirah | One who leads a traditional way of life |
Sitara | Veil, Screen, Curtain, Drape |
Siti | A woman of noble qualities |
Sitinorlaila | An exclusive, beloved and friendly individual |
Smera | Smily |
Snober | A name of a pine tree |
Sobia | A well-dressed woman. |
Sofia | A mystic |
Solaiammal | Garden Girl |
Solin | A beautiful flower garden or parterre. |
Sollalagi | Beautiful and Articulate |
Somadha | A woman who feels complete |
Somaieh | One who is high above others |
Somapika | One who terminates things |
Somila | Tranquil |
Somprikti | A Bengali name meaning saturation |
Somritdhi | One of great prosperity |
Sonbol | Ear of wheat, ear of corn. |
Songl | The last rose |
Sonika | The golden one |
Sooria | To be like a red rose |
Soraya | She is precious as a jewel |
Sorborno | A beautiful and happy individual |
Soroushi | Happiness |
Souad | She who is very glad |
Soudah | A person who is black, a black one |
Souhila | A woman who is soft to the touch |
Soulmaz a persian | A woman who never wilts |
Souma | Moonlight, a woman as beautiful as the moon. |
Souri | A girl who is like a red rose |
Soussan | She is as beautiful as the lily flower |
Sovhona | One who posesses true beauty |
Sozan | Glowing or burning |
Sparghai | Ember or fire spark |
Spezala | A woman who is incredibly talented |
Startina | A gorgeous and lovely lady |
Storai | Star |
Su'ad | A feeling of gladness |
Suad | She who is very glad |
Subaha | Beautiful, Graceful |
Subarnalata | A golden vine |
Subarnapratima | She who is a very beautiful image |
Subayah | A name of the narrator of Hadith |
Subaytah | A woman who is of brave nature |
Subbiha | A woman who is very tidy and clean |
Subhah | A woman who is bright like the morning |
Subhija | Dawn or early bird. |
Subhiyah | A woman of the morning |
Suha | Name of a star |
Suhad | A sleepless woman |
Suhaila | Gentle, easy the name of a star |
Suhailah | Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing |
Suhair | Proper name |
Suhaymah | Small arrow |
Suhayr | Proper name |
Suhbat | One who is a good companion and leds interesting conversatio... |
Sukayna | Calmness |
Sulabha | Simple, easily available |
Sulata | A creeper plant, a vine |
Sulayma | Beloved |
Suleika | A variant of Zuleika. It was the name of wife of the king of... |
Sulema | Peace |
Sultaana | She who is a ruler, a Queen of men |
Sultana | The exalted empress |
Sultanah | A woman who rules people, a Qeen, a female Sultan |
Sumaira | A woman who is brownish |
Sumaiya | Proper name |
Sumaiyah | A Prophet's companion |
Sumamah | A name of the plant millet |
Sumaya | SHe who is high above |
Sumayya | A unique and special girl |
Sumayyah | Proper name |
Sumbul | Frail, or delicate |
Sumehra | A beautiful face |
Sumeyye | She who is high above others |
Sumia | She is the one who is always there to listen |
Suml | She is an early distinguisher |
Summaya | She who is special and unique |
Summiya | She is a woman of proper name |
Sunat | A woman who has a way with things, one with good methods |
Sunbula | A corn's ear |
Sundus | Silk brocade |
Suraa | A woman of greath power and strenght |
Suradhuni | A Bengali name meaning river ganges |
Suravi | A lady who can be compared to the Sun |
Suraya | A woman precious as a jewel |
Surayya | The name of the Pleaisades, the group of seven stars of Thau... |
Surayyah | To be the 7 Pleiades stars |
Suri | A girl who is like a red rose |
Suria | To be like a red rose |
Sury | She is like the Red Rose |
Swabira | A truthful woman who does right by others |
Syeda | She who is a mistress |
Syidah | The female leader |
Symbat | Slenderness |